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Who are we?

About Us:
A group of experienced leaders from different sectors, coming together to create a platform for meeting the current challenges faced by the startup ecosystem.

Our Purpose is to help develop and enrich an ecosystem that enables wealth and value creation for investors and start-ups. We aim to accomplish this by:

  • Partnering with start-ups as a Ko-founder and creating a path for accelerated, sustainable growth
  • Empowering investors to identify and nurture start-ups with highest ROI potential through a framework of transparency and accountability.
  • Creating a diverse network of experts to support every phase of start-up growth and development through timely, actionable intelligence

What do we intend to do with Kofounderz Team?

We intend to support the startup ecosystem with uniquely designed solutions creating a network and pool of resources for the same ecosystem. The solutions developed and categorised into different inventive offerings aims to facilitate efficient growth and success for startups, investors and other related parties.

Why ?

While the country has had a push in the startup sector in general, there are apparent challenges in the system that one can’t deny. We have developed our solutions after deep background research and analysing surveys with personnel in the given sector. With quantifiable goals and a clear vision of our strategies, our purpose remains to serve the ecosystem for its success. We definitely aim to put our country and its startups on the global competitive map with specific training and solutions catered to them.

An Awesome Team of Resident Experts